Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A Logical and Unemotional Justification of Capital Punishment :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

A Logical and Unemotional Justification of Capital Punishment Similarly as the Pied Piper of Hamlin was paid to decimate the rodent populace, the state detainment facilities are being compelled to play out a comparative activity with what is a flood of vermin. Taking either a professional or an against position isn't something to be done delicately. The vast majority choose which side they are to take dependent on absolutely passionate reasons. The individuals who bolster the death penalty do so dependent on a disdain of the wrongdoings carried out, and a dread of comparative violations transpiring. This isn't the best approach to arrive at a sensible choice. Others hate savagery, and feel that two wrongs, to be specific homicide and execution, don't make a right. (in spite of the fact that in science, the language of rationale, two negatives do make a positive.) Profound quality, dread, disdain, and numbness frequently have a huge influence in significant choices, damning society to uphold silly laws, and leaving itself defenseless to spoiling from within, out. As a matter of first importance, it is imperative to place our adaptation of the death penalty in an exact, authentic setting. Since that day break of progress, through the laws of Moses, and the laws of Hammurabi, what you did, was done to you. The headway of development is peppered with this equivalent predominant thought of correspondence. To contend against these notable convictions is to contend against the development and advancement inalienable ever. In the event that at whenever this law of response had been disregarded, disarray would have been re-brought into society, making an untimely, and speedy, debauchery. In examination, our law of the death penalty is a cake-walk. We don't hack off your hand when we think you take an apple. We don't wear out your eyes when you desire another man's significant other. We don't remove your tongue and feed it to the lions on the off chance that you verbalize the name of God. We offer you a preliminary by your companions, wherein you should be demonstrated beyond question to be blameworthy. At that point, you are secured a prison, where you can without much of a stretch be allowed an intrigue. You exist detained for the most part for a long time, until your interests have been crushed, the verification against you has been affirmed, and your violations against humankind are of such a deplorable nature, that you have sentenced yourself to an effortless, snappy, and simple passing.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Aristocrats should help the poors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nobles should support the poors - Essay Example I totally concur with this announcement since the rich have enough cash to endure any emergencies, at the end of the day their cash store and capacity permits them to do this. Be that as it may, those individuals who rely significantly upon their month to month compensations and wages lose everything with their positions. They have no huge stores just as no protections capital and that is the reason emergency struck the poor above all else. Be that as it may, the creator centers not around poor people but instead on the white collar class since it is the fundamental constituent of the fruitful economy. It is no chance a mystery that the world emergency began from the USA, where â€Å"the fat cats† (Herbert ) as the creator calls them didn’t figure out how to adapt to the home loan circle. Let’s recall the prospering USA: a glad white collar class with a very high yearly salary that can manage the cost of having a house, a vehicle, and a few kids and to be in simple conditions. With the extraordinary pace of joblessness individuals have no cash in any event, for food, to avoid even mentioning a vehicle, and lease. As time ways to deal with Christmas the circumstance turns out to be considerably increasingly out of line and self-evident. â€Å"Even as a large number of unemployed and in any case battling Americans are taking up some slack for these special seasons, the countries world class are binding up their moving shoes and celebrating like sovereignty as the millions and billions continue moving in†. (Herbert, 2010 p.1 ). By saying this the creator needed to show that the white collar class needs to reject something so as to esteem the custom of endowments giving, while the rich of the nation even are not embarrassed about tossing gatherings and claim ing to be increasingly unassuming. The most hostile thing is that people with great influence and with cash simply request that the country stand the extreme occasions. â€Å"So here we have the extremely rich person and the mogul telling poor people and the battling - the little individuals - that they will simply need to manage with less.† (Herbert, 2010 p.1). It would be amusing, on the off chance that it wasn’t the reality. The country can manage without certain things yet it can't manage without the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender Essay Example for Free

Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender Essay The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender is wrongdoing novel about contemporary Australian life, composed with all the uncertainty and good refinement of most â€Å"who dun-nits . It would seem that wrongdoing, and sounds like wrongdoing, and sells like wrongdoing, however it’s Literature! Its Opening is a disruption of the class an inversion of desire as we are tricked into accepting this is your regular male private detective (P. I. ). The job inversion a female in a conventional male commanded field; ladies can do everything men can do difficulties the generalizations of customary wrongdoing fiction. Reason: (subjects, concerns, issues primary thoughts.) 1. To make a feeling of spot †Sydney. Marele Day had gone through four years venturing to the far corners of the planet and when she returned to Sydney perceived its uncommon appeal and air. She got resolved to compose a book about it and its exceptional intrigue. a) Find references to Sydney, great and ominous. * what perspectives are underscored? * In totality how does Day present Sydney? * what are the connections with the past? * what is implied by the â€Å"facade of Sydney’? 2. Debasement and doubt versus integrity and trust. 3. Impact of innovation †have we gotten dehumanized? Will innovation take over from people? * What is the connection among mankind and innovation? 4. Segregation †Most of the characters are detached somehow. * Find whatever number instances of seclusion as could be expected under the circumstances. * What by and large remark is made about confinement? * Is there an association among it and innovation? II. Method 1. Day utilizes a great deal of the procedure of cutting edge films particularly the â€Å"black and white† scenes on Harry Lavender. How is he depicted? He is extremely segregated and standoffish. We the crowd get the chance to see and hear what Claudia isn't aware of. Are these concentrates from the book Mark Banister was composing? 2. Remark on Claudia Valentine’s Phrasingñž Claudia talks in the way of a hard-bubbled experienced Private Investigator (P. I. ). smooth, loquacious, strutting, on occasion cheeky (shameless) and once in a while whimsical. â€Å"Live quick, bite the dust youthful, and leave an attractive corpse† (22) â€Å"I was changing vehicles more regularly than I changed my underwear† (101) â€Å"But it’s one â€Å"It’ll be impasse on the off chance that you don’t. Presently move† (162) Word Play Double entendre (which means) â€Å"It more likely than not been a plant. † â€Å"A lavender plant. † (126) â€Å"Terminal illness† (6, 17, 20, â€Å"Alter, (141 â€Å"curse, cursor (143 heart ( 55, â€Å"waiting for the engineers to give them another rent of life, or possibly only another rent. † (69) Humor â€Å"wit† â€Å"I trust that bare men will pass by and debris on their heads (23) one of the previous and two of the last mentioned, and the previous is former† her answer to Steve with respect to her conjugal status. ( 27) â€Å"You set it aside, Otto, you don’t know where it’s been. † â€Å"That’s the trouble,† he groaned, it hasn’t been anyplace of late. (53) social analysis â€Å"Divorced? † â€Å"Isn’t everybody? † (27) â€Å"I had committed an error getting into a vehicle with a reputable policeman† â€Å"You youthful society are consistently in a hurry,† she said dealing with a grin. (45) â€Å"pollution and syringes (54), ladies (54), cheap food (68)ñž

Thursday, June 4, 2020

When practice scores and official scores dont match

Every now and then, I’ll get a plaintive email from a student who has been diligently prepping for the SAT or ACT for months but can’t quite seem to get their test-day scores to match their practice test scores. Often, they’ve worked through my books and don’t seem to have any problem applying the concepts when they take practice exams. When it comes to the real thing, though, they just can’t seem to make everything work. This is obviously a very frustrating situation: the fact that these students are able to score well when the test doesn’t count suggests that they’re capable of scoring well when it does count – but in some ways, that just makes things worse. The goal seems so close, yet so far away. Unfortunately, my diagnostic powers in such situations are limited: without a full picture of just what a student is doing when s/he actually takes a test, it’s impossible for me to say exactly what the problem is. That said, there are a handful of common reasons that official scores remain persistently lower than practice scores. Here are seven things to consider: 1) How fast (or slowly) are you working?  Ã‚   It is very easy to develop a distorted sense of time when you are in the middle of a high-stakes exam. Minutes can feel like seconds, and hours can feel like minutes. Especially if you’re nervous and the adrenaline is flowing, you may feel as though you’re constantly running out of time and speed up to compensate – even if there is no need to do any such thing. Being excessively confident can also cause you to work too quickly and skip important steps. In that regard, high practice test scores can actually backfire on you. Even if you’re a naturally fast worker, it’s generally not a good idea to have more than a few minutes left over at the end of a section. Slow down, and think your way carefully through each step; you don’t get extra points for speed. On the flipside, some students work much more slowly and cautiously on the real test, to the point where they overthink things and get easy questions wrong. Or, they may start to run out of time and have no choice but to guess on too many questions. 2) Are you retaking old practice tests? (be honest!) The short version: don’t do it. The slightly longer version: even if you think enough time has passed and you won’t remember anything, trust me – you will. A score from a practice test you’ve already taken is not an accurate indicator of where you really stand. 3) Are you using College Board/ACT tests, or ones written by a different company? Third-party tests (i.e., ones written by Kaplan, Barrons, Princeton Review) are not interchangeable with the real thing. They may omit concepts that are tested or include concepts that are not tested. As a result, you may obtain very different scores from them than you would from official material. Proceed with caution. Particularly if you’re taking the SAT, you need to ration your official exams carefully. If you run through all of them quickly, there’s nowhere to get a stash of extras. 4) Are you changing your answers? While common wisdom holds that you should always check your work, that is not always the best advice. If you’re seconding guessing yourself when you go back and double-check things, you could be changing right answers to wrong ones. Ive seen students consistently lose points this way. 5) Are you really retaining/applying new knowledge and strategies? If you take a full-length practice test right after you’ve studied new material, there’s a good chance you’ll remember it well and be motivated to apply it. If the content isn’t as fresh, however, you’ll probably forget some key things – regardless of how well you knew them initially. Note that this can involve strategies as well as content knowledge, and sometimes issues can be extremely subtle. Take ACT English: because you are required to blaze through so many questions at high speed, it’s very easy to get tired and lose focus by the time you hit the fourth passage. If, for example, you start trying to answer transition questions without physically crossing the transitional word or phrase already in the passage, you can easily get distracted and lose points unnecessarily. Combine those couple of questions with another few random errors, and youre down three points on English right there. So before you take a real test, make a list of the areas that tend to give you the most trouble. Then, the week or so before the exam, devote a day to reviewing each one. Note the key things you need to remember or have a tendency to overlook. When you get to the exam, write down those things at the top of your test as soon as you receive it. That way, you’ll have a â€Å"cheat sheet† to refer back to as you work. 6) Are you getting distracted? I’ve seen students go down 50 points in a section because their concentration got thrown off by the kid in front of them kicking his chair or tapping his pencil. Unfortunately, these types of distractions aren’t something you can plan for. If someone in the room is really being loud, you can obviously ask your proctor to step in, but otherwise you should try to practice in an area with some background noise. While earplugs are not on the list of items explicitly banned by the College Board for the SAT (unlike for AP tests), you should not count on your proctor permitting them. Earplugs with hidden microphones have been involved in past cheating scandals, and your proctor may be unwilling to take the risk.    7) What are you really doing when you take those practice tests? Remember that during the real test, you will not have access to your phone. No stopping for 30 seconds to text your friend, no posting photos on Snapchat or Instagram, no Facebook, no music, no YouTube. Zero, zip, zilch, nada, for the whole entire test. Hard as it may be, you need to get used to being temporarily phone-less. Youll have to do it for the real test, like it or not, so its best to be prepared. Moreover, you cannot go to the bathroom in the middle of a section, or take frequent breaks, or pause for a few minutes to beg your dad to let you stay out late on Saturday night. If you’re not already accustomed to focusing on the test for long periods, your scores are likely to take a hit. If you start to get tired or antsy, close your eyes for ten seconds or so and let yourself reset mentally. This is something that you need to practice too.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Racial Profiling And The United States - 1657 Words

The 11th of September, 2001 was a momentous day in American history. 19 members of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 United Airlines Flight 175, and crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Hijackers crashed the third plane into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth jet, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people lost their lives on 9/11 due to the terrorist attacks on that day. After 9/11, the power of the government increased, allowing police, the FIB and other government agencies the ability to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records; in addition to easing the restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States. Along with the war in the Middle East as a result of 9/11, Islamophobia in the United States has reached new growth. Racial profiling and discrimination of Muslims, Arabs, and those w ith stereotypical Islamic names or appearances have not only increased in the past 14 years since 9/11, but the results of such actions are devastating to not only the Muslim community but also the rest of America. 42% of Americans support the use of profiling by law enforcement against Arab Americans and American Muslims. Hostilities towards Muslims and Arabs have only increased as a result of 9/11. Prior to 9/11, public opinion was firmly opposed to racial profiling by police. SinceShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling : The United States Essay1326 Words   |  6 PagesRacial Profiling The United States of America, a country founded on diversity, remains ingrained with hypocritical ideas with respect to its very foundations of freedom and independence. America shows no mercy in the prejudice actions towards its minorities. The United States of America contributes greatly towards the injustice of minorities and giving privilege towards its â€Å"native† people yet not all â€Å"natives† are greatly loved in the country as Neil Foley, author of Becoming Hispanic: MexicanRead MoreRacial Profiling And The United States1348 Words   |  6 PagesIn today’s world we deal with multiple cases of racial profiling seemingly on a daily basis. Turn on the television, check the internet, or simply have a discussion with someone and you’ll hear about it. Racial Profiling describes discriminatory practices by law enforcement officials who target people for suspicion of crime based on their ethnicity, race, origin, or religion. The term first came about during the War on Drugs in the 1970’s and 1980’s when law enforcement were accused of pullingRead MoreRacial Profiling And The United States1111 Words   |  5 Pagesbrutality on these individuals solely based on the ethnicity they possess. Racial profiling can be said to be synonymous with stereotypes. In fact, as Gross states, â€Å"In 1999, 81 percent of surveyors in a national poll agreed that racial profiling was an issue in the United States. â€Å"From Samuel R. Gross, â€Å"Racial Profiling Under Attack†, (June 2002): 1413. However, there is no end in sight, 16 years later, and the United States is still the same. On September 11, 2001 America was in shock because ofRead MoreRacial Profiling And The United States1465 Words   |  6 PagesRacial Profiling Racial Profiling is just what it is. Targeting individuals for suspicion of a violation determined by the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion or national origin. Race and location are the supreme characteristics law enforcement visually examine when engaging in this type of profiling. African-American males are the primary victims of racial profiling in the United States. The phrase â€Å"driving while black† derive from African Americans protesting that they are pulled over by policeRead MoreRacial Profiling And The United States1160 Words   |  5 Pagesby police and many other people for committing crimes. This is called racial profiling, and it is an issue going on around us. Some considers racial profiling a new phenomenon, and it is important to examine it because it is a foundational aspect of law and law enforcement in the United States. Glover in the book Racial Profiling: Research, Racism, and Resistance defines racial profiling in contemporary times â€Å"as the use of racial and or ethnic status as the determinant factor in decision to stop motoristRead MoreRacial Profiling And The United States2227 Words   |  9 Pagessociety. This is the mind frame of the average American in the United States. Every African American individual in this country who has traveled, walked to the store at night or simply going shopping, either knowingly or unknowingly has been a victim of some type of racial profiling. People need to realize that racial profiling happens very often to innocent people that are targeted based on race and sometimes religion. Racial profiling can be defined as when an individual is stopped or detained becauseRead MoreRacial Profiling A nd The United States1949 Words   |  8 Pages Racial Profiling Post 9/11 Rusat Ramgopal CRJBS 101 John Jay College Professor Gary Wright August 4, 2016 Racial Profiling Post 9/11 On September 11, 2001, nineteen hijackers associated with the terrorist group Al-Qaeda attacked the United States. They flew two planes into the World Trade Center and also attacked the Pentagon resulting inRead MoreRacial Profiling And The United States2903 Words   |  12 PagesRacial profiling still exists in America. Racial profiling refers to law enforcement strategies and practices that single out individuals as objects of suspicion solely on the basis of mainly their race. Prejudice and racial profiling of law enforcement is responsible for many false arrests, convictions, and countless deaths of blacks in the United States. This is one of the main difficulties of life and obstacles minorities have to face in their life because for one they are a minority and twoRead MoreRacial Profiling And The United States944 Words   |  4 Pages Ever Since being forced to the united states as slaves blacks have been exposed to racism and legal discrimination citizens of African descent in the United States living threw things like Jim crow laws which were laws set to legally separate blacks like they were lesser to white citizens, or dealing acts of terror by groups like the KKK or other racist whites. And most importantly going through slavery which heavily set blacks back. Black men as a whole in society are believed to have the toughestRead MoreRacial Profiling And The United States1883 Words   |  8 PagesRacial profiling remains a dormant issue in the United States. It is the act of the authority, mostly, police officers linking minority status to criminal behaviour (Glover, 2007). Several police officers in the United States target specific groups because they don’t display characteristics of typical Caucasian individuals (Glover, 2007). To put history into context, before 9/11, not many police officers profil ed individuals based on their ethnic backgrounds but after the attack, there was an increase

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Self Exploration - 2605 Words

Many of us go through life skimming the surface of our identities. That is, we don’t truly dig deeply into our thoughts, feelings, desires and dreams. Part of the problem is that we’re always on the go. When to-do lists keep swelling, self-exploration takes a backseat. How can it not, when we barely find time for self-care? Specifically, self-exploration involves â€Å"taking a look at your own thoughts, feelings, behaviors and motivations and asking why. It’s looking for the roots of who we are — answers to all the questions we have about [ourselves],† according to Ryan Howes, Ph.D, psychologist, writer and professor in Pasadena, California. Having a deeper understanding of ourselves has many benefits. It â€Å"helps people understand and accept†¦show more content†¦Take some time and think about what you might need in order to be happy and ultimately successful in your job/career. For example, a few things to consider might be salary, geographic location, job autonomy, work hours, and professional growth opportunities, to name a few. Which ones of these, and/or others, are most significant; things that would make an obvious difference in whether we would enjoy our job/career? If you don’t take the time to consider who you are and what you want, you won’t know what you are looking for. You need to be aware that no job/career is going to be perfect and meet all of your expectations. But if you at least think about which things are more vital to your happiness and aim for those, you can come pretty close to what you want. Think about the skills and abilities you may have that you would like to util ize in your chosen profession (i.e. leadership, helping others, mathematical ability, creativity, communication, etc.) Which careers give you more of an opportunity to express yourself and be yourself? Many people make the mistake of assuming that they can and will do just about anything for the right amount of money. Well let me assure you that this is only partially true. In the beginning, the money may seem like enough to sustain your job satisfaction and happiness, but soon everyone realizes that money alone is only a temporary fix. If you don’t really like what you are doing, or like where you work, you won’t beShow MoreRelated Exploration of Self in Matthew Arnolds The Buried Life Essay940 Words   |  4 PagesExploration of Self in Matthew Arnolds The Buried Life One of the modes of poetry theme and content was that of psychological exploration of self, as characterized by the poem The Buried Life by Matthew Arnold. Class structure and gender roles were vividly looked at in depth, definitions of masculinity and femininity were earnestly contested throughout the period, with increasing sharp assaults on traditional roles... (Longman, p. 1888). What it was to be a man (or woman) was frequentlyRead MorePersonal Statement : Self Exploration1156 Words   |  5 Pages Self Exploration Paper Yifei Bai Arizona State University Introduction To have a clear future career plan, self-exploration would be the first step to take since those who do not know themselves well will also have no idea about where to begin their career or may be mediocre in their life (Rogers et al., 2008). Therefore, for aspiring college student, before completely stepping into the working stage, one shall specify his or her goal and make full use of the existed sources in schoolRead MorePersonal Statement For Self Exploration872 Words   |  4 PagesThe purpose of this memo is to perform self-exploration to gain a better understanding of myself and my career goals. In addition to providing insights into myself, this exercise will enable the comparison of my current situation to my future goals. Upon beginning my college education, I always thought I’d earn a degree and then figure out what I wanted to do with it. Now I understand the necessity of knowing myself better and formulating a plan prior to graduation. To understand myself better, itRead MoreModule : Mirror : Explorations Of The Self2514 Words   |  11 PagesModule: Mirror Mirror: Explorations of the Self. Q. Of the many varieties of personality theory on offer, do you think any offer distinct advantages over the others, and if so, why? The study of personality, or human nature has been baffling the minds of great scholars for centuries now. It is not the recent development, but has a long history of progress. Some great scholars like Aristotle, Machiavielli, Descartes among a few other philosophers and writers had their interest invested in the workingsRead MoreChild And Parental Boundaries And Self Exploration Essay1683 Words   |  7 Pagesinto a fully developed woman with brown eyes, brunette hair, and a slender proportioned frame. This stage is all about exploration. The parent’s role is to guide and monitor as they facilitate positive growth of the adolescent. The adolescence begins to seek an identity separate from the parent so it is important to adjust to the changing parental role. Adolescence self exploration includes defining: child and parental boundaries, experimentation with alcohol and drugs, settling on an academic trackRead MoreDiscuss the exploration of the self in Robinson Crusoe1820 Wo rds   |  8 Pages(Robinson Crusoe). Use this quotation as a starting point for the exploration of the self in Robinson CrusoeSelf is broadly defined as the essential qualities that make a person distinct from all others. In Defoes words the word, governs the whole world; the present Race of Men all come into it. tis the foundation of every prospect in life, the beginning and end of our Actions. It is the essence of man. Crusoe undergoes a journey of self discovery whilst on the island. He learns things about himselfRead More The College Experience - Exploration and Self-discovery Essay1908 Words   |  8 PagesThe College Experience - Exploration and Self-discovery What do you want to do with your life? If only I had a nickel for every time I was asked that pesky question ... in particular, by some overly-concerned adult! I swear, if I hear it one more time, Ill launch into a screaming fit! Its right along the same lines as the annoying, where do you see yourself in ten years? As a student wrapping up my freshman year at the University of Southern California in Los AngelesRead MoreSelf-Discovery and Exploration in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho1665 Words   |  7 PagesThe Alchemist, a novel written by Paulo Coelho teaches us about the importance of self-discovery and exploration by taking us through the journey of a young Andalusian shepherd, Santiago. Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on August 24th 1947, to Pedro Quiema Coelho de Souza, an engineer, and his wife, Lygia, a homemaker. Paulo early on had dreamed of an artistic career and then after his surroundings in Jesuit school, he discovered his true vocation was to be a writer (Coelho 195)Read MorePathfinders: A Global History of Exploration by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto1063 Words   |  5 Pageshas two big stories to tell--the story of how humans diverged over many millenia, and the story of how they later re-converged, lac[ing] the world together with routes of contact. Pathfinders: A Global History of Exploration by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto chronicles h uman exploration throughout history beginning with the peopling of the earth through the earliest pathfinders and continuing up to the near-present age of globalization. Felipe Fernà ¡ndez-Armesto is an historian and the William P. ReynoldsRead MoreHealth And Academic Performance : An Exploration Of Safe And Effective Use Of Self2486 Words   |  10 PagesRunning head: SAFE AND EFFECTIVE USE OF SELF 1 Cardiovascular Exercise to Improve Psychological Health and Academic Performance An Exploration of Safe and Effective Use of Self Alanna Sampson Yorkville University Abstract The participant in this study is pursuing a Masters degree while working as a teacher. She identified Generalized Anxiety Disorder as the issue she would like to improve upon after self-administering the Beck Anxiety Inventory and completing the Generalized Anxiety

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Accounting Alternatives

Question: Determine accounting alternatives for intangibles. There are a number of differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP for the treatment of intangible assets and impairments. The information related to intangible assets in IFRS is presented in IAS 38 (Intangible Assets) and IFRS related to impairments is found in IAS 36 (Impairment of Assets). Answer: There are some key differences between principles of U.S. GAAP and IFRS for treatment of intangible assets. Some are following in the nature (Bellandi, 2012). U.S. GAAP IFRS The cost is mainly incu rred for the development and maintenance of the intangible assets which are recognized like a expense at the time its incurred except the cost which are included in the development of the software, website development etc. All the internally developed intangible assets are mainly recognized if there are some benefits related to the economic criteria which gives the benefits of the assets with the flow at the entity, also the total asset cost are reliably measured and also the overall cost of the intangible assets are met with the certain given criteria of intangible assets . Intangible assets which are mainly measured the historical cost which is excluded the accumulated amortization and the assets impairments. The revaluation of the intangible asset is not permitted rather than assets impairment activities (Jerman Manzin, 2012). The intangible assets might be taking into consideration for the historical cost which is excluded accumulated amortization and the assets impairment activities. The revaluation of the intangible asset is to be permitted is according to the several priority situations. The revaluation activities related to the intangible assets is related to the initial recognition of the value which is not permitted and the carries the value of the assets which is excluded the accumulated amortization and the impairments activities of the intangible assets The intangible cost model which is commonly used in the accounting of the intangible assets which is mainly containing same features like U.S. GAAP but at certain priority it is changes. Reference Bellandi, F. (2012).The handbook to IFRS transition and to IFRS U.S. GAAP dual reporting. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley. Jerman, M., Manzin, M. (2008). Accounting Treatment of Goodwill in IFRS and US GAAP.Organizacija,41(6). doi:10.2478/v10051-008-0023-5

Sunday, April 19, 2020

What is religious fundamentalism

Religious fundamentalism is a focus on differences between members of society on the basis of their subscription or non subscription to a particular faith. It leads to discrimination and divides people into righteous and unrighteous dichotomies. Furthermore, non believers are often the target of blame when problems arise in society. Johnstone (206) affirms that religious fundamentalists reject secularization and insist on adherence to traditional practice.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What is religious fundamentalism? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Fundamentalism is existent in almost all religions of the world. In Islam, it is manifested when followers oppose writings in books, articles or speeches that criticize the Islamic faith. A case in point was the depiction of Prophet Mohamed in a French newspaper. This sparked riots and violence across various Islamic nations around the world despite the fact that the cartoon was not maliciously motivated. Additionally, several political groups in Islamic nations, such as Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt and Iraq, regard political extremism as a central part of their lives. For instance, the Muslim Brotherhood is just one of the numerous institutions that has brought Islamic fundamentalism back into the political sphere of a Muslim nation. As a consequence, these nations reject consumerism, feminism and several other tenets of the modern era. It is not uncommon to see loggings, mutilations, and female mistreatment in the public sphere within these fundamentalist nations (Coreno 335). In the Christian faith, Protestant fundamentalism stemmed from an early twentieth century publication designed to outline the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Its purpose was to unite American Protestants by clarifying the beliefs that were non-negotiable in their faith. In modern times, Protestant fundamentalism takes the form of reaffirming literal interpretations and applications of the bible. This school of thought moves away from institutional Christianity and the use of sacraments. Instead, it advocates conversion and intimate spiritual experiences. Just like the Islamic fundamentalists mentioned above, Christian fundamentals are also politically conservative. However, their brand of conservatism started in the late nineteenth century. First, a number of them were worried about the effect of science on their followers as the latter phenomenon challenged the Bible’s central claim to truth. In line with this issue was the development of Darwinism, which questioned the authenticity of the Christian creation story.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Furthermore, sociological theories like Marxism claimed that Christianity pacified the masses to protect elitist interests. Johnstone (212) explains that the fundamentalists responded b y focusing on traditional Christian messages rather than on the social aspect. In essence, they were reacting to the disenfranchisement of religion. Evangelical groups now manifest their fundamentalist inclinations through the political sphere, education (in the form of primary and secondary schools), as well as their publications. Several schools are either funded or run by Christian fundamentals. These groups often endorse political parties that support their conservative beliefs. Some of them may lobby against laws that they perceive as secular. Examples include abortion and legalization of gay marriage. In essence, all fundamentalist groups, regardless of which religion they subscribe to, have certain characteristics in common. First, they emerge out of a need to defend religious tradition. Usually, modernization may manifest in one form or another, and thus could be perceived as an attack against the church. Besides this trait, religious fundamentalism is also selective in natu re. It will use an aspect of modernity as well as religion to delineate itself from conventional religion. Cases in point include the use of the internet to spread Islamic fundamentalist teaching and opposition of American Protestants to abortion. Fundamentalists also perceive the world dualistically, in that it is either evil or righteous. Another trait is their propensity towards absolutism. Members must accept their main texts (e.g. Bible or Torah) as accurate and unquestionable. Finally, these schools of thought often have a messianic promise. They assure their followers that they will be rewarded in the end times for their suffering (Emerson Hartman 130). Works Cited Coreno, Timothy. â€Å"Fundamentalism as a class culture.† Sociol. Relig. Journal 63(2002): 335–60. Print. Emerson, Michael Hartman. David. â€Å"The rise of religious fundamentalism.† American Rev. Sociol. 32(2006): 127-144. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on What is religious fundamentalism? specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on What is religious fundamentalism? was written and submitted by user Gabriella Becker to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Fires Of Jubilee book review essays

Fires Of Jubilee book review essays Biographer Stephen B. Oates is an award winning Civil War era expert. The Fires of Jubilee is just one of sixteen books that he has written. As a History professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Oates wrote this biography of Nat Turner and his infamous insurrection. Nat Turner was convinced that he was a "chosen" man of the Lord. Ironically, the name Nathaniel is Hebrew for "the gift of God". Nat felt, deep in his heart, that he was special and important in the fight for the freedom of all slaves. As a child he was something of a spectacul. His mother and father would brag to the other slaves of how Nat had congenital bumps and scars on his head and chest, which in African tradition meant that he was destined to be a leader. Also, Nat was naturally a highly intelligent person. As a child he was able to learn to read and write at ease on his own. This astonished many of the the slaves, as well as his master Ben Turner. Nat also astonished his mother by telling of an even t that happened prior to his birth, that he had no way of knowing. When she asked how he knew of the incident he said that somehow he just knew. Many of the whites and other slave also made Nat feel "different" than the other slave by saying that he "would never be of any service to anyone as a slave." A comment that, at a young age, gave Nat the impression that he might one day be freed. Nat knew he was different. Even though it was considered disgraceful for slaves to not get drunk on holidays, Nat never drank, much less got drunk. The most convincing sign, to Nat, that he was "chosen" was that he had visions, that he claimed were from the Lord. Visions that would eventually be his motivation for insurrection. Until the age of 8, Nat was owner by Ben Turner, who was considered to be a fair and kind master. However, at the age of 9 Sam Turner, Ben's son, became Nat's new master. Sam was definetely a harsher master than his father, which was a blow to ...

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Marketing Consumer Behaviour Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Consumer Behaviour Theories - Essay Example The positive or negative attitude towards the product is also based on behavioral traits of the consumers. The consumers purchase the product based on their perception of those particular objects after acquiring data from various relevant sources. Consumers of different market possess different buying behaviors and expectations from the product or brand. In this paper, the concept and theories of consumer behavior in the marketing environment will be highlighted properly. It has been illustrated that how the consumer behaves in a particular situation and how their behavior gets altered while purchasing a product. The literature review of the consumer behavior will be explained briefly and the consumer behavior of Pepsi and Coca Cola in Australian marketing environment will be cited as an illustration. 2.0 Issues, Theories, and ConceCoca-Consumer Behaviour Consumer behavior encompasses cognitive, effective in addition to the behavioral reaction of consumers towards products as well as services, and also the response of consumers to the marketing of products along with services (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, n.d.). It is the decision making the process of consumers and the involvement of their activities in obtaining, assessing, using and disposing of goods as well as services. Consumer behavior refers to as a complex, multidimensional along with the dynamic process and also the marketing decisions which are taken based on the assumptions related to consumer behavior (New Age International, n.d.). The consumers on the basis of their needs adjust the purchasing behavior of them. Consumers randomly choose the product and in every selection, certain implications are incorporated in them. The buying decision is taken to satisfy the need of the consumers. Prestige is also considered as one of the intangible needs because a few individuals purchase certain products depending on their status in the society (Reference for Business, 2011). The factors which act as a significa nt role while influencing consumer buying behavior are cultural factors, social factors, psychological factors and personal factors (Scribd, 2011). Culture has an influence on the ‘impulsive buying behavior’ of a person. The theory of individualism, as well as collectivism, facilitates to have a better understanding of the phenomenon of an ‘impulsive buying behavior’ of a consumer (Kacen & Lee, 2002). The culture of the society has an influence on the buying behavior of an individual because human beings are largely affected by social factors which may include family, friends, clubs, and others. The individuals from these factors understand and learn perceptions, values and their behavior patterns. The social class of an individual is influenced by several other variables such as income, occupation, values, and education (Wilson & Gilligan, 2005). In addition, social factors also have an impact on the buying behavior of a person. Various factors include fam ily, reference groups, status along with the social role. The reference groups include primary membership group, secondary membership groups, aspirational group and dissociative groups.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Cold War and American Contribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cold War and American Contribution - Essay Example The war had come just as the US was facing one of the greatest economic challenges ever. It had come from a great recession. The conflict that resulted spurred some economic growth. In retrospect, it led to new opportunities. The economy of the US bounced back. In addition, the country received immigrants from other nations. This was the period that saw the passing of the employment of the employment act. This was under the leadership of Truman. However, an economic uncertainty was to follow after the boom. This was expected since the economy during the cold war had not been based on the fundamentals aspects but sentimental factors. This was one of the effects of the Second World War. It divided East Germany and Berlin from the West of Berlin. Basically, the East part of German fronted different ideologies from the West in terms of political governance. The West divide was accused of harboring Nazi-like ideologies. The East fronted what was perceived to communism. The west fronted li beralism. This conflict led the east to construct the wall around Berlin. They even had watchtowers around it. The wall was later to be brought down after the collapse of communism. The war in Korea had a direct relevance to the cold war. It pitted communism against democracy. Communist thoughts were propagated by USSR together with China. Democracy was an idea of the US. South Korea adopted democracy. However, the north was a communist state which was an ally of the USSR and China. The political rift between the two neighboring states almost led to war. The tensions have been imminent even in recent times. The nuclear and arms threat at the time of the cold war led to exclusion of the North from world trades. The South prospered so much due to its open policy and promotion of liberalism. It has been argued that the period of the cold war affected North Korea the most. The country is yet to recover from the effects of the war. Question 2 Three essay questions What were the consequences of the cold war on the economic prospects of the world? What led to the end of the world cold war? Did the cold war influence the current political alignment in the world? The consequences of the Cold War on the economics prospects of the world The period of the cold war was characterized by imminent economic implications. The trade sanctions that were part of the war had dire consequences on selected economies. At the time, there are

Friday, January 31, 2020

Stress and Personality Types Essay Example for Free

Stress and Personality Types Essay Its now widely accepted that there are three basic personality types. These have the wildly original names of Types A, B and C. We all have elements of each type in our makeup. One, or perhaps two, however, will dominate. Its very useful to find out which personality type best describes your personality because this can tell you a great deal about how likely it is that youll become stressed and, if you do, why and how youll handle it. Note: weve used he throughout this article: please take this to mean she as well. Type A The Type A personality traits are impulsiveness, competitiveness and the need to get things, lots of things, done quickly. Type A is always in a hurry, lives by timetables and deadlines, is a perfectionist and has difficulty delegating any tasks, and therefore ends up trying to do everything himself. He is also likely to be impatient and can be aggressive. Such a person is very unlikely to undertake too much self-analysis everyone else has the problem, not him! Anyway, he hasnt got the time to waste in worry out about such things. The Type A individual is often driven by feelings of insecurity. Such a person often becomes one of lifes high achievers, in the belief that by achieving their goals and ambitions they will gain the level of control they feel they need in order to overcome their feelings of insecurity. Generally, a Type A person has no idea why he is so driven. You can see from all this that Type A people are prime candidates for stress and stress-related illnesses. The Type A personality is the energetic one who suddenly has a breakdown when he finally uses up his reserves of energy. This personality type also has the highest risk of heart disease. Because the problems which give rise to stress are part of his personality are personality related, the only way such a person can truly de-stress themselves is by acknowledging the problem and being prepared to change some aspects of their personality and their behavior. That doesnt, of course, stop them from trying to control their stress levels by using exercise, aromatherapy or whatever, but many Type A people have good intentions and then find theyre just too busy to find the time to go to the gym or see their therapist. Type B Type B personalities are not as likely to suffer from stress as much as other personality types unless there is a specific cause, such as bankruptcy or divorce. They are the complete opposite of the Type A personality. If you had to find one phrase to describe a Type B person, it would be laid back. They are more relaxed about things, less driven and generally content with their lot, and are less likely to try to achieve unnecessary aims and objectives. Type B personalities have enough confidence in their fellow human beings to be able to delegate. They are calm and rational and not likely to damage their health long term due to a stressful lifestyle. If you have a Type B personality, say a prayer of thanks. Type C The Type C personality type has difficulty expressing emotion and has a marked tendency to bottle things up, especially anything in their life which is bothering them. He will rarely or ever dispel any stress by throwing a cup against the wall or shouting at someone whos annoyed him. Hell feel like doing so, just like any other person, but even when his emotions are almost overwhelming hell keep an awesome control over his words and behavior. This is a perfect recipe for severe stress problems What is interesting is that the existence of the Type C personality was first mooted in studies of cancer patients. Were all a mixture of these personality types

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Wedding Speech Delivered by the Brother of the Bride -- Wedding Toasts

Wedding Speech Delivered by the Brother of the Bride For those of you who don't know me I'm Anna's brother Kevin and I'm here today to say a few words on behalf of our father. Unfortunately Ron is unable to be here today due to ill health. Nevertheless it goes without saying that he passes on all his love and best wishes to Anna and Melvin on their special day. When Anna asked me to give her away I was deeply honored. But all I could think was God I'll have to make a speech. To be honest standing here I feel a bit like a sheik walking into his harem for the first time. I know what I've got to do, I just don't know where to start. All I can say is thank God for the Internet. First of all, on behalf of my mother Linda and I, I would like to welcome Melvin?s parents Lyn and Michael, who I'm sure are very proud of their son today. I'd also like to welcome relatives and friends of both families and thank you all for being here, especially those of you who have traveled a long way to make this special occasion so memorable. Anna and Melvin have obviously worked really hard organizing everything for today but your hard work has definitely paid off. I'm sure everyone here agrees that the ceremony was wonderful. I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone else involved in making the day so special, including Chris and Joanne for their efforts with the wedding invitations and order of service.... ... words of advice as they enter into this next stage of their lives together. However I think you know each other well enough to know how to stay on each others good side. So all I will say is this. Anna - If you want something from Melvin just ask for it. Don't forget he's a man and hints don't work. Melvin - Always remember as a great philosopher once said, a man who gives in when he is wrong is a wise man. Whilst a man who gives in when he is right is married. And finally everyone all that remains is for me to ask that you all join me in a toast. Anna and Melvin may you both live as long as you like and have all that you need for as long as you live. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Anna and Melvin.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Chinas one child policy

In the mid-twentieth century, the Chinese government believed that a large population would turn China into a strong nation. The people were encouraged to have large families. However, this resulted in a population increase of 55 million every three years. With the massive population increase, the state realised that it might lead to famine as the food demand would exceed supply. To avoid a Malthusian disaster, the government decided to control the population growth by introducing the one-child policy. The limits each couple to bear only one child (with the exception of identical twins). In addition, the marriageable age for men was raised to 22, and for women to 20. This meant couples would bear a child later than it used to be. Couples who conformed were allowed free education for their child, priority housing and other benefits. On the other hand, those who did not were fined heavily. Unfortunately after the policy was introduced, infanticide occurred. From tradition, male decedents were always preferred as they carry their family names from generation to generation. As couples were only allowed one child, girls were quite often abandoned, or even killed so they could have another chance of getting a boy. This occurred more often in rural areas, where there were less control from the government, and also where traditions held stronger. The preference of getting a male child also meant a higher male to female ratio. As a result the population growth rate would decrease. Although it can be seen as a good thing and is the whole point of the policy, the fertility rate might lower to a point where reproduction occurred very rarely. Another problem the Chinese government faced was that it was quite easy for couples to hide their child. Many people had more than one child without the government knowing. These children were not registered and could not receive any benefits which were available for all other children – not even medical care or education. Later in life, there would be difficulty in obtaining permission from the government to marry as they were not registered. Having only one child per couple, parents could easily indulge their child. As a result, â€Å"little emperors were emerged†. It was also speculated that it would result in poor communication and cooperative skills amongst the younger generation due to the lack of siblings. Lastly, many people from the Western society criticised the policy as an assault on human rights. Women were often forced to abort the child if she already had one. Many people saw this as murder and violation in human right. Despite all these problems, the one child policy did reduce the population and a â€Å"Malthusian disaster† was avoided. In 2007, China's population was roughly 1.3 billion; it was predicted to be 25% higher if not for the one-child policy. Population structure of China in 2000. The base of the pyramid is expected to be wider if the one-child policy was not in place. The decrease in population growth rate seems to have a positive effect on economic growth. There was less demand on natural resources to support the needs of the population, which in turn reduced the strains on the natural environment. There was less unemployment due to labour surplus. The individual saving rate was increased since the introduction of the policy. This was due to less money being spent on children, and in turn allows people more money to invest. It is also reported that women received better health care services. The number of women who died from pregnancy and the infant mortality rate had decreased. In conclusion, the one-child policy was not a perfect solution, but it was almost inevitable as China's population was growing so fast that famine was bound to occur if it was not controlled. However, perhaps a more relaxed policy could have achieved the same results. I personally think that a two-child policy might have been better. It would stabilise the population, as well giving the people more freedom and possibly solve the problem of imbalance sex ratio. Chinas one child policy In the mid-twentieth century, the Chinese government believed that a large population would turn China into a strong nation. The people were encouraged to have large families. However, this resulted in a population increase of 55 million every three years. With the massive population increase, the state realised that it might lead to famine as the food demand would exceed supply. To avoid a Malthusian disaster, the government decided to control the population growth by introducing the one-child policy. The limits each couple to bear only one child (with the exception of identical twins). In addition, the marriageable age for men was raised to 22, and for women to 20. This meant couples would bear a child later than it used to be. Couples who conformed were allowed free education for their child, priority housing and other benefits. On the other hand, those who did not were fined heavily. Unfortunately after the policy was introduced, infanticide occurred. From tradition, male decedents were always preferred as they carry their family names from generation to generation. As couples were only allowed one child, girls were quite often abandoned, or even killed so they could have another chance of getting a boy. This occurred more often in rural areas, where there were less control from the government, and also where traditions held stronger. The preference of getting a male child also meant a higher male to female ratio. As a result the population growth rate would decrease. Although it can be seen as a good thing and is the whole point of the policy, the fertility rate might lower to a point where reproduction occurred very rarely. Another problem the Chinese government faced was that it was quite easy for couples to hide their child. Many people had more than one child without the government knowing. These children were not registered and could not receive any benefits which were available for all other children – not even medical care or education. Later in life, there would be difficulty in obtaining permission from the government to marry as they were not registered. Having only one child per couple, parents could easily indulge their child. As a result, â€Å"little emperors were emerged†. It was also speculated that it would result in poor communication and cooperative skills amongst the younger generation due to the lack of siblings. Lastly, many people from the Western society criticised the policy as an assault on human rights. Women were often forced to abort the child if she already had one. Many people saw this as murder and violation in human right. Despite all these problems, the one child policy did reduce the population and a â€Å"Malthusian disaster† was avoided. In 2007, China's population was roughly 1.3 billion; it was predicted to be 25% higher if not for the one-child policy. Population structure of China in 2000. The base of the pyramid is expected to be wider if the one-child policy was not in place. The decrease in population growth rate seems to have a positive effect on economic growth. There was less demand on natural resources to support the needs of the population, which in turn reduced the strains on the natural environment. There was less unemployment due to labour surplus. The individual saving rate was increased since the introduction of the policy. This was due to less money being spent on children, and in turn allows people more money to invest. It is also reported that women received better health care services. The number of women who died from pregnancy and the infant mortality rate had decreased. In conclusion, the one-child policy was not a perfect solution, but it was almost inevitable as China's population was growing so fast that famine was bound to occur if it was not controlled. However, perhaps a more relaxed policy could have achieved the same results. I personally think that a two-child policy might have been better. It would stabilise the population, as well giving the people more freedom and possibly solve the problem of imbalance sex ratio.

Monday, January 6, 2020

In Early Childhood, Play Diverges, Contingent On An Immense

In early childhood, play diverges, contingent on an immense amount of intricacies and has been predisposed through the years by numerous theories in early childhood development. Consideration needs to be taken as to if play is free and simple or not. Over the years there has been a multitude of different theories about the purpose of a child’s play. The first theories of play were developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with four main theories that involved the perception of how and why children work. These theories were the surplus energy theory, the recreation theory, the instinct theory and the recapitulation theory. Classical theorists, as well as contemporary theorists, have been captivated by the way children play, with†¦show more content†¦Modern theories of play are developed by justifying theoretical concepts with supporting empirical research. These theories consist of psychoanalytic, arousal modulation, metacommunicative, and cognitive theories (Saracho, 2013). Jean Piaget (1951), was a French psychologist distinguished by his research and findings of cognitive development in children. He theorised that children do not acquire additional cognitive configurations in play, but simply endeavo ur to add new understandings into what they currently know. During the stages of play development, teachers and parents have numerous occasions to witness children as they develop physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually (Tomlin, 2007). He described play as a child’s enterprise to take in environmental stimuli correspond to their own perceptual experiences. Piaget states play is just for recreation and although it allowed a child to practice things they had already learned it did not necessarily result in the learning of new things. Lev Vygotsky (1934) however, had a different view on the cognitive theory in play. He believed there is a fundamental role of social interaction needed in the development of cognition and that plays a vital role in the process of â€Å"making meaning† (McLeod, 2014). Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory has a substantial partShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pageseven peaceful protest, opened the way for brutally repressive regimes that actively promoted or systematically engineered the massive episodes of rape, oppression, and genocidal killing that were major offshoots of a second global conflict in the early 1940s. The barbarous treatment meted out to tens of millions of men, women, and children in a decade that marked the nadir of recorded human history provided much of the impetus for a worldwide resurgence of human rights activism, agitation, and