Saturday, December 21, 2019

Social Problems Affecting Youth Today and Ways to Solve Them

Social Problems Affecting Youth Today and Ways to Solve Them Society nowadays isn’t what it was a decade ago. People change and so does the society they live in. The problems that our grandparents experienced with our parents aren’t the same that our parents experience with us. Nowadays, young people are exposed to two major social problems that affect their life negatively. These social problems are drugs and violence. Even though one doesn’t want to be exposed to these problems, it’s impossible because it is everywhere. If one goes to a party, one runs the risk of meeting people doing drugs or fighting. People do this to rebel or fit in the society they live in, others do it to prove to†¦show more content†¦We are greatly influenced by the people around us. In todays schools drugs are very common, â€Å"peer pressure† usually is the reason for their usage. Violence is a major social problem that our society faces. Young people nowadays are very violent and tend to get in fights over minor things. These young people use violence to prove that they have a certain power over those who are weak. Violence is an increasing concern and in most neighborhoods nowadays there is always some form of gang. Even young people that come from a very good family tend to form a group with their friend. Many times it starts as something just done for fun but as time passes and they become more friends they feel the need to protect each other. Then for example one day they are out in town and one of them gets in a discussion with someone and the other members of the group feel the need to protect their friend and therefore help him. Without knowing they are slowly forming a gang and if they don’t split apart throughout the years this could develop into a bigger group as they get new friends. Violence among young people also happens in school. School violence is defined as any physical or verbal attack on a person while on school grounds or on school property. In earlier decades, school violenceShow MoreRelatedGangs1141 Words   |  5 Pagescommunication and understanding. There is also the Ten Point Coalition which is an â€Å"alliance of black ministers whose goal is to form relationships with youths in trouble† with the ultimate philosophy being â€Å"to be there for young people and to catch them before they fall† (Prevent Crime, Too). By doing so, the Boston community creates a safety net for their at-risk youth and in turn prevents gang dominance. These programs have also been largely effective. It is very easy for a community to forget why these gangsRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination And The Social Issue Of Child Abuse1492 Words   |  6 Pagestheir everyday lives and social world around them (in which they live). 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